New Race and Ethnicity Advisory (READ) group is recruiting members

Race and ethnicity advisory group

The NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre has launched a new Race and Ethnicity Advisory group as part of its commitment to keeping principles of Diversity, Inclusion and Equality at the heart of its activities.

The new READ group was borne out of a proposal from a series of Race Equality working groups that were run last year to find out how the BRC can improve our approach to conducting research. One of the ideas suggested by these working groups was a Race and Ethnicity Advisory Group, to provide advice on research studies and support our researchers with guidance and insight.

Invitation to join the Race and Ethnicity Advisory Group

Applications are now open for adults wishing to join the NIHR Maudsley BRC Race and Ethnicity Advisory Group. As everyone has a race and ethnicity, applications are open to everyone. However, as this advisory group is to provide specific race perspectives and advise research studies, those behind the advisory group are particularly keen to make sure it includes members from as many different ethnic backgrounds and minoritized communities as possible. This diversity will enable the board to provide the most diverse and nuanced perspectives on the research studies leading to better research.

The group will meet every month and meetings will be held either virtually or at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, Denmark Hill. Meetings will include refreshments (if held on site) and travel expenses will be covered as well as a small payment. Experience in mental health research methods is not necessary, and basic training in this area will be provided.

Dr Faith Matcham, Research Champion for Diversity and Inclusion at the NIHR Maudsley BRC said:

“We hope to find group members who are passionate about equality, diversity and inclusion. The aim of this advisory board is to review and provide feedback on research materials through a cultural and ethnic lens. By incorporating diverse perspectives in the development of our research methods, we will be able to do better science which more adequately reflects the needs of our diverse community”.

Hui Zhou Chen and Joyce Peters, Co-Race Equality Champions for IoPPN said:

“This new Race and Ethnicity Advisory group is an excellent initiative that supports our work in promoting good practice in research and examines how the funding, conducting, publishing, and dissemination of research about people from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds occurs at our institution, in order to tackle the barriers at each level.”

If you are interested in finding out more about this, please email: 

Tags: Staff News - Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) -

By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 13 Jul 2021, 10:42 AM

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