NIHR Maudsley BRC Blog

Our latest news and events

CRIS Blog: CRIS in the time of coronavirus

This blog was written by Professor Robert Stewart, academic lead for the Clinical Record Interactive Search (CRIS) data resource since its development in 2007-8.

By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 7 Apr 2020

CRIS Blog: CRIS data demonstrates need for better physical healthcare for people who use heroin

Dan Lewer is an NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow at University College London. He tweets from @DanLewer.

By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 8 Oct 2019

CRIS Blog: Medichec - A tool to make prescribing safer for people with dementia

Dr Justin Sauer is a Consultant Psychiatrist and Clinical Lead for Memory Services in Older Adult Services in SLaM and co-founder of Medichec

By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 10 Sep 2019

CRIS blog: Using data on hospital episodes to look at the physical health of people with personality disorders

Dr Marcella Fok and Dr Chin-Kuo Chang used CRIS to look at the physical health of people diagnosed with a personality disorder.

By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 13 Feb 2019

CRIS Blog: Pathfinders and the public

Professor Robert Stewart discusses work supported by the MRC Mental Health Data Pathfinder awards as well as a survey about people's views on sharing health data for research purposes, from Pathfinder colleagues at the University of Edinburgh.

By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 7 Feb 2019