60 seconds interview with Angelo Jornacion

Angelo - Research Nurse at Clinical Research Facility

Ahead of International Nurses Day (12 May 2023), we talk with Angelo Jornacion, who works as a Clinical Research Nurse at the King's Clinical Research Facility (CRF) about his role and his experience at the CRF.

Please let us know a bit about you and what you do?

I am Angelo, a King’s Clinical Research Facility (CRF) Research Nurse. My involvement in clinical trials focuses on ensuring patient safety during a research study or trial. From screening eligible potential participants, administering medications or other treatment as part of the trial protocol, and, most importantly, ensuring they are safe and well-supported throughout the process.

What is the most interesting part of your role? 

What I love most about my role is being part of a wonderful team that aims to improve the quality of care delivered to people. Through clinical trials, we provide evidence-based data that plays a huge difference in how care is provided.

From your perspective, what are your thoughts on the future of nursing? 

Nursing is a noble profession; the future is very promising, from how the role evolves to improving practices. In the old days, the role was considered and limited to bedside care, now progressing to different specialisations and performing advanced procedures. Development is always on the horizon for Nurses, and it always makes me proud to be one. 

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By NIHR Wellcome King's Clinical Research Facility at 2 May 2023, 16:42 PM

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